Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hey, Diana It's Hump Day

Thank God for Wednesdays. At noon you can breathe a sigh of relief and say, "It's half over." Now the rest of the work week is on the downhill side and the mood definitely lightens. One of my coworkers has a sign on her desk which says, "I work for the weekend." I may adopt that as my motto.

Now Diana thinks I am kin to Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde but actually my mood goes along with the frequency of my hot flashes. Which means you can gauge my mood by the redness of my face.

Once again this is a bunch of gibberish which no one else will probably find of any interest. But hey, I wrote another blog to keep you coming back (hopefully). Which brings up another thought. If you read please leave a comment now and then letting me know how brilliant you think I am. My ego needs this feedback.


Diana Harton said... name in big bold print. I feel special!

And I agree....hump day, woohoo.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your gibberish! And I've always thought you were brilliant and extremely funny!!! Keep posting.
