Friday, February 08, 2008

Fancy Hairbow

To the delight of two parents here in Monticello, I am now the new Mama for little Fancy Hairbow. Seems she is too vicious for visitors so she had to get a new home. Since it is ever so quiet at my house, it is still to be learned whether she will ferociously attack the next person in the door. I will find out soon since I have a church meeting at the house next Tuesday. So far she is behaving as though she has lived here all her life. We have curled up together the last two afternoons in the recliner and napped. Today we also got to play outside for a little while. And at night she hardly makes a sound as I snore away. Since I am not a girly girl, I was a little concerned over her name. But I finally decided that Fancy Hairbow could be her Indian name and since I have Indian ancestors, I can live with that. She is a little cutie. Don't you agree?


K.T. is Mommatude said...

Adorable?Is she a long hair chihuahua?You could always shorten the name to Fancy or Bo...tee hee hee!

Ginger said...

Yes, K.T. she is a long hair chihuahua. And she has been called Fancy for five years so Fancy it is. I am thoroughly enjoying her no matter her name. LOL Honestly the name fits her pretty well.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

I think she is too cute-and I have always loved the name fancy!!

Lou Arnold said...

I have always loved Fancy and glad that she has a great new home. I hope she stays good.

Anonymous said...

We are so glad that you and Fancy are getting along!!!