Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday

Yesterday, my blog was three years old. Now that's a lot of gibberish! I have enjoyed it and hope all two of my readers have found something interesting. All my life I have tried to journal but each attempt would end in failure after about a week. For some reason this is different, maybe because pictures can easily be included. Anyway, thanks to my daughter, Kristy, who got me started. It has been loads of fun.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ginger's Gibberish. I love reading it. I hope you continue for another 3 years or more.

Mom of these kids said...

Happy Birthday to your blog! I enjoy reading it...and I also use you to navigate to other blogs too!

Ginger said...

Well, there are my two readers!

AJ Huffman said...

I'm here also...don't forget about me...

Ginger said...

You are not forgotten!!! Love ya, A.J.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm lurking around too! Happy Birthday to your blog! You do great job! Mel

Anonymous said...

glad you like it mom, keeps us connected!
