Monday, January 19, 2009

After the Wind

After snowing somewhere over eight inches, on Saturday and Sunday the wind began to blow. Now I am not talking about a soothing little breeze but a pre-tornado wind in Arkansas would compare. It blew snow that took my breath and stung my bare face.

Driving down the road looked a lot like a good fog had settled in. Excuse the picture quality but most were taken thru the car windows because when we ventured from the car we were bundled up and hunkered down against the wind. I have never wanted to walk fast on a snow covered parking lot so badly but it was slicked over from the wind.

The beautiful snow in the spruce trees was gone. The ice laden branches which glistened in the sun were gone. Maybe if I had stood outside a bit some of my short, fluffy self would have blown away. But it was much too cold to think of weight loss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are absolutely breathtaking though.What an experience!