Monday, January 19, 2009

Time to Go Home

These solemn faces look like what my heart felt like.


Anonymous said...

That breaks my heart.

Mom of these kids said...

Aww...I bet!! When are you moving to Alaska??

♥ JaYmE ♥ said...

aww, that made me sad, ginger.
but...u blog??? that makes my heart happy so u're forgiven.
maury said 'when r u moving to alaska...?"
ARE you moving to alaska???? noooo.

♥ JaYmE ♥ said...

ok, i dunno if that posted so here i go with a condensed version....

maury said 'when r u moving to alaska?'
what? she's not serious is she? ARE you moving to alaska????? NOOOO!!!