Monday, May 22, 2006

It's Back to Work I Go

Nothing like five days in a row off from work to make you happy to be back. Especially if it was not vacation time off. I was even glad to see that rascally rabbit, my boss! Of course, my desk was piled high but I just started with one thing at a time and really got a lot done today. And I never got my panties in a wad, even once. Mark it down as a red letter day when nothing irritated me at all. Ah, the joys of time off!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I've never seen you so happy to be at work!!! And I'm glad you got rid of the cancer so you could be back!! Keep me up on what you hear from the kids... Mom

Jennifer said...

How did you get time off? I even try the sick thing, they say I can lay my head on my desk when I feel sick. Ha!

Diana Harton said...

Isn't time off wonderful. I have the next 4 days off and I am looking so forward to it. Out of the 4 I intend to have one of them as an absolutely do nothing, spend the day in my pajamas, couch potato, days.

Have fun back at work but try not to work to hard.