Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Speed of Life

Sometimes things in life come at you so fast that you are flung between the seats. That seems to be what happened to me last week. It came time for a check up at the doctor so that I could get my blood pressure medicine refilled. So while there, why not take care of everything? A mole on my shoulder had been bothering me for several months so I asked Dr. Simon to go ahead and take it off.

And the results knocked my props out from under me for a few days...malignant melanoma. I go Thursday to have a re-excision of the site. The first lab results seem to lean toward the cancer being confined to the site. And lots of people are praying for me so I feel confident that it will be all right Thursday.

Best of all I know that no matter what, God is in control and has taken care of me all my life even when I pulled away from Him for a season. So once again I choose to put my trust in God and fully expect to be around bugging my friends and family for many more years to come. So don't any of you start ironing your funeral clothes yet!

Results to follow in a few days.


Anonymous said...

Ging, if you want to know who's been praying and trying to contain my emotions, here's one. I think you're doing the right thing and I trust the competence of your doctors. Just know how much I love you, Mom

Anonymous said...


#1 - I don't iron!

#2 - I don't own "funeral clothes"!

#3 - I ain't buying either!

Love Gloria

Jennifer said...

I'll definately be praying for you, but I know you are strong. You will pull through this just like you do everything else. "With God on your side."

Diana Harton said...

Hey Ginger....where have I been???? First of all I had no idea that you had your own blog. I guess I should have inquired. Oh well...

Secondly, Kristy told me about your biopsy. There is no doubt in my mind that they will get all of it when they do the excision. I am praying for you and look forward to hearing a good report from your test results.

I have read all the way back from the beginning of your blog and I never knew we had such a love for dogs in common. I am glad you rescued Gypsy. If Doug would let me I would take every stray I could find. Thank goodness one of us has some sense.